LMC originated in 1912 with Rex Stedman. Stedman left LMC in 1928 to found a new company under the title of R F Stedman & Co Ltd. Stedman later purchased the LMC company, continuing to trade under the R F Stedman name. Stedman finally left in 1931, when the name reverted to LMC.
LMC were best known for their large range all in “0” of locomotives, both freelance and true to prototype, as well as for coaches made from wood with applied paper lithography. A range of wooden wagons was also manufactured, and both coaches and wagons were later made from bakelite. Other products included track and a range of components.
The carriage bodies, being shaped blocks of solid wood were a bit unconvincing, but the gummed lithographed sides were superb both in term o printing quality, and accuracy of livery. I was fortunate at one time to be given sides for a North Eastern Carriage and a Sentinel steam railcar, by the late Peter Middleton. I always intended to get them framed – they were good enough for display, but unfortunately, never got round to it. Now after four house and one country move, I cannot find them. The printed wagon and van sides were equally good, but the chassis were still of the wheel at each corner type.
This list offers a choice of six “0” gauge model tank locos, none of them particularly well known. Three in LNER livery, two being ex GCR, one ex GER Two in LMS livery, being ex L&Y, and one in SR livery, ex LSWR. They were priced at £2-15-6d to £3-0-6d. At 2018 prices around £125 to £150.
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